

The sangha is the community.  It is within a community that we find support and meet our very human need to offer care outwards, in ever-widening circles.


Autumn Sangha Full Program | $780 (if paid in full by October 2, 2021)

The purpose of Autumn Sangha is to bring together an intimate group of people who have the desire to live a healthful life guided by the wisdom of East Asian medicine and movement practices. The Autumn Sangha Retreat is the first step to 6 weeks of supportive, knowledgeable, and intentional work towards finding harmony and balance in the season.

The Full Program includes…

  • the Autumn Sangha Retreat at the Society Hotel in Bingen, Washington,

  • unlimited qi gong, yoga, and gong fu movement classes,

  • 4 workshops based on the wisdom of East Asian Medicine traditions, and

  • 4 acupuncture treatments Dave Martin, MSOS, LAc.

The Autumn Sangha will be limited to only 8 participants in order to create a beneficial experience for all who participate in the sangha. Payment in full is not necessary to participate in the full program.

Investing in the Retreat will allow you to become a Sangha Member. Sangha Members can add on options based on the Sangha prices listed ($800 total if adding separately). While this program is designed to be a complete 6 week seasonal wellness experience, you are not required to participate in all parts of the Sadhana, Sattva Living Workshops, and Treatment. Many payment options are available.

If you decide becoming a Sangha Member is not for you, meaning you do not want to invest in the Retreat, you can still attend classes, workshops, and treatment at Trinity at a different rate (Treatments $100+, Classes $12+, Workshops $40).


October 2 & 3 | Society Hotel Bingen, WA | $280

Each season has its inherent wisdom and offers us teachings if we are sensitive enough to receive them. As we become more attuned to the rhythms of nature and the gifts of the seasons, we can learn to nourish ourselves for a more grounded and balanced shift.

Autumn is the season of transformation. This is a time to look at what we value, look at what we find beautiful or sacred. To look at our own spiritual nature, perhaps our humanness. To understand ourselves as one small part of the great wisdom that is Nature. To take time to see what is beautiful and valuable in that, and then to understand our own beauty and value as an intrinsic part of Nature.

This retreat experience is an intentional and supportive space to nourish your soul with a weekend of qi gong, yoga, gong fu, seasonal self care, meaningful discussion and nourishing food.


6 weeks starting in October | $120

The term sadhana comes from the Sanskrit root, sadhu, meaning “go straight to a goal”. Routinely applying mind, body and spirit is the most natural and efficient way to surrender the ego, to find relief from suffering and to attain peace.

Sadhana is the cornerstone of the discipline of our movement practices. Our East Asian movement practices provide a variety of tools for this purpose, ranging from physical practices and breathing techniques, to more introspective applications, such as svadhyaya (self-study) and meditation. Sadhana should be practiced for the sake of maintaining the practice, and as a means of cultivating discipline.

By becoming a Sangha member you will have access to all studio classes - including yoga, martial arts, and qi gong during the 6 week program.


Living with the Seasons

4 Workshops | $80

The elements are used within the medical systems of Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda to describe the cycles or patterns that exist in nature, in health, and in disease.  These elements are symbolic of the cycle of all life.  Learning to live with the seasons is experiential and takes patience and practice.  The key is to cultivate a daily practice little by little every day by what we eat, how we move, practice, think and speak.  Over time this naturally results in the moving towards a life of more balance, peace, purity and clarity. These workshops are designed to lead you on that journey. Each workshop focuses on cultivating a lifestyle aligned with the current season.

  • Autumn Workshop 1 | October 10 2:00pm

  • Autumn Workshop 2 | October 17 2:00pm

  • Autumn Workshop 3 | October 24 2:00pm

  • Autumn Workshop 4 | November 7 2:00pm


4 Sessions | $320

Medicine and healing are ultimately about deeply understanding ourselves. We believe that “self” includes aspects of time, space, and direction. For those true seekers who are dedicated to the long, difficult journey of self-awareness, we are here to help you along the way.

At Trinity Natural Medicine, we focus on principles of health and wellness that come from the early Daoist teachings of Han dynasty China, (200 BCE to 200 ACE), and the traditional medicine of India, Ayurveda. Your treatment may include modalities such as: herbal medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, Chinese medical massage, cupping, Qi gong exercises, diet and lifestyle counseling.